We manufacture nail plate timber trusses for over 30 years.

In this time we gained a lot of experiences in this sector – benefits that we gladly pass on to you. Trusses are very competitive not only in the sector of roofs for supermarkets or industrial constructions, but also in housing or in combination with the conventional joinery. Did you know, that in the U.S. in Florida more than 95% of residential roofs are built with nail plate timber trusses?

You are wellcome to have a look at selected references of the section nail plate timber trusses, we have chosen from a wide variety of projects. Your contact partners for nail plate timber trusses will be glad to answer your questions.

Nail plate timber trusses

Let us know your needs and we will work with you to develop the most economical design for the intended use. We will be glad to offer an alternative to the planned execution – the comparison will be interesting! Depending on the requirements mixed designs are very attractive, which are designed partly conventional and partly with trusses.

Let us know the geometry (outer shape of the roof, floor plan, roof overhang) and the loads of the roof (tiles, suspended ceiling, …) – and we will submit a free offer. Simply contact our contact partners for nail plate timber trusses. They will be glad to give you more detailed informations for the next steps, too.

Concerning the processing of orders, the computer applications have opened up a lot of new possibilities in recent years: the complete course runs internally and consistently computer assisted.

  • The roof is designed with a special program (structural and statical) and economically optimized. The static calculation is supplied with the trusses. Complete roof landscapes up to crooked roofs are possible. All documents for cutting and production are created entirely in the office.
  • Depending on the design, the most economical solution is chosen.
  • The cutting of the timber will be made by our CNC-controlled saws (DePauw and Hundegger). While the cut timber is removed, the saw already turns to the next selection, which happens automatically.
  • For several years, the production of the trusses also goes off CNC-controlled. Our roller press gets the necessary information from a floppy disk. Here, too, the truss is selected by a touch screen display, and the external form will be adjusted automatically. Because of the highly optimized workflow even small inaccuracies of the timber will be detected – faults are minimized systematically.
  • The delivery of the finished commissions is done mainly with our own truck. Our driver Frank Reiß is directly accessible.

High efficiency, fast manufacture, flexible response

The nail plate roller press runs with great speed. Because the rolls, that press the nail plates into the timber, are the crux of the matter of the American development. And so are the bolts, that fix the trusses. Together with the IT the roller press creates a significantly higher output and this with a greater flexibility.

Many parts per hour and small batch sizes, the roller press meets this demand for a modern production in an optimal way. The setting for a new binder type used to take two hours, nowadays the conversion takes a few minutes – thanks to the IT driven bolts. Thus, even small series can be produced economically. Various shapes of trusses within an order, e.g. hipsets with different contours, lose their terror as a cost-driving factor. Speed and precision ensure adherence to schedules and consistently high quality, which is a logical consequence of the leading role of Cordes Timber Engineering in timber construction.

The system consists of two routes. At first the timber parts are put on the table, maintained in position by the IT-controlled anchor bolts, the nail plates are put on the timber and then run over by the mobile first pressing station. Then the pre-pressed trusses are pushed to the second route. There they run through the finishing press, which works with its two roles like a high-tech mangle, and from there to the automatic take down, the horizontal stacker. By the way: The combination roller press / stacker is in this way unprecedented in the world so far. The further distribution of the trusses is done by the tower crane und forklifts.

Increase clean-up – cost-efficient construction and purpose

Leaking flat roofs, especially in buildings from the fifties, sixties and seventies, more expensive land, property value increase – the reasons for the request for an increase or redevelopment are as varied as the ways to do it

By increasing the bungalow is the multi-generational or multi-family house, apartment complexes receive a generous ambience with duplex and penthouse units. In the industrial sector providing attractive and affordable commercial or land. Contemporary added value benefits and cost-optimized construction and purpose.

Or roof. Storey extensions and renovations are made simple for all flat roofs and gable roof forms. An ideal, static uncomplicated and economical form of this is an increase in lightweight construction. Prefabricated walls, ceilings, roofs with gables, dormers and bay windows every architectural shape and size are “attached” to the existing building. That makes no static problems and mainly saves construction time and costs.

The possibilities are virtually unlimited: flat sloping saddle, hip or pitch roof, studio binder for single storey building or two additional floors with light walls and – often pre – roof constructions. Due to its high strength, light weight of ecologically valuable wood construction offers the best conditions for the performance of static conditions. The construction time for this economic form are not thinking small – usually in three to five days of the roof construction has been executed. The industrially produced millimeter structures and elements are always quality tested and are fully CAD counted and individually prefabricated on CNC machines.


Should you not have dealt in detail with the uses for these finished components, perhaps some guidance notes: For standard applications can be found in the area forms some forms that represent the attempt to make you the quote for standard binders comfortable. Further, these sheets are assessed as a clue as to which information is required by us for optimum calculation of statics.

For larger commissions we need plans that make up the relevant information should be derived. Help us to avoid mistakes and also because we are in exact detail able to create for themselves an optimized supply and thus minimize the price.

Especially with complex roof shapes in which the roof space should not or hardly used, the CORDES nail plate trusses often represent the technically much better alternative in which the shortened installation time is also accompanied by a clear reduction in costs.

For the converted attic space it is useful to compare the alternative of studio binder with the conventional construction. For example, residential construction, it is no problem to construct a hipped roof economical. However, one must also be said clearly: Are many dormers and roof extensions to integrate the conventional joinery is the better choice. Ultimately, the individual case must be examined closely. Perhaps the solution to a Greim binder. Use our service and let us examine the fundamentals. Often, the solution may lie in a combination of ways: for example, are also possible for the dormer bouquet packages from nail plates. We like to provide just the dormers – if possible – as finished parts, the time on site to reduce here.

In all of the above of course applies: Ask for us by asking a question! Your contact Josef Schaller is available at any time for requests for quotations and other information such as of appointments available.

Forms to Download

Below you will find forms for the main binder types. When calling the left, the respective form is opened in Acrobat Reader, in which the information can be made directly on the screen. After entering you can print the document to a file and send it to us via email or send a fax (with questions you speak like Sven Wuschke. Of course, you can print the document to your printer. Next, you can save the form files directly as a copy on your computer in order to make further inquiries so without calling our website.